Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week 15

This week started off with an awesome snow blizzard, so not much has occurred so far this week.
I have started my final product, it is starting off very slowly. The most important part of this party is the vendors. I don't have the approved vendor list for FISD yet. So once I have that I will get this party going faster.
I am quite behind on a few assignments right now that I all need to complete by Friday, So that will be a challenge and interesting to complete. I know I can finish it, it will not be to difficult.
I have met with Sam about primary learning, she walked me through a 4 day event that she planned and put together. We also discussed me possibly being able to do some hands on work with her in getting to see more of her job and what she does. She has to run it by her boss and discuss with her, but I'm really excited for what I might be able to do with her and ultimate ventures.

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